IEEE Photonics Society

Boston Photonics Society Chapter

Boston Chapter of the IEEE Photonics Society


Apr 11, 2005
6:00 PM

Marriott Newton Hotel

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The Future of Industrial Strength Lithography

Dr. Kit Ausschnitt, IBM Microelectronics Division

Co-sponsored by the New England Chapter of SPIE


Abstract:  The often proclaimed death of optical lithography remains “greatly exaggerated.”  The pixel transfer rate required by semiconductor lithography forces the extension of conventional optical projection approaches well into the sub-100 nanometer regime.   My talk will provide an overview of the latest developments in the photolithographer's tool kit -- immersion optics, resolution enhancement techniques, design for manufacturing, advanced process control -- as well as a look into the future.


Biography:  Kit Ausschnitt received a BSE from Princeton University in 1968, MSEE from the University of Pennsylvania in 1970 and ScD. from MIT in 1976.   He has over twenty years of experience in lithography research and development, working both for equipment suppliers and IC manufacturers.   He is currently a Senior Technical Staff Member in the Advanced Imaging and Metrology department of the IBM Microelectronics Division.   His research interests span all aspects of lithography characterization and control.


Location:  Marriott Newton Hotel