IEEE Photonics Society

Boston Photonics Society Chapter

Boston Chapter of the IEEE Photonics Society


Sep 18, 2006
7:00 PM

Northeastern University

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Optofluidics: The role of fluids in tuning optical systems

Ms. Sindy (Kam Yan) Tang, Harvard University

Co-sponsored by the New England Chapter of SPIE


Ms. Sindy (Kam Yan) Tang, Harvard University

Abstract:  Optofluidics refers to a class of optical systems that involves at least one fluidic component in the functional optical path.  The incorporation of fluids offers a simple method of fabricating high-quality optical structures, in contrast with more familiar solid-state strategies, and enables tuning of optical properties in real-time.  The talk will focus on how fluids, specifically in the laminar flow regime in microfluidic systems, can be used to engineer dynamic adaptive optical components.  Applications include liquid-core/liquid-cladding waveguides and microfluidic dye lasers.


Biography:  Sindy (Kam Yan) Tang is a Ph.D. student with Professor George Whitesides at Harvard University.  She received her B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering at California Institute of Technology, and her M.S. degree at Stanford University.  Her research focuses on optofluidics, which integrates microfluidic and photonic systems for adaptable optics and on-chip biochemical detection.  She also works on using soft lithography to fabricate nanostructures for new meta-materials.


Location:  Northeastern University